Friday, September 2, 2011

Deal of the day starting

Buying the right electronics gear for your need(s) is not easy.Unfortunately, you will not get good advice most of the time. Well meaning, but usually way off base.

I try to dedicate a lot of time into this blog to help people make good choices.

I have extensive knowledge and more importantly, the ability to know what questions to ask and where to research when deciding what to purchase. Doing a google search will not yield unbiased results. Many companies have figured out how to take over the top search results, so you are probably going to get a biased advertisement that LOOKS like a review forum.

I could take the easy road and tell you where I  buy from. However, with the myriad of choices, I want to be more specific and save people some time by posting a deal of the day.

I am going to target common equipment I have used and feel are good products. I also will make certain that they have a mail order option.

So stay tuned for a post later today.

Tech Guru

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